Variability of the yield, morphological and biochemical traits in the common dill
common dill, yield, morphological and biochemical traits, variability, breedingAbstract
Purpose and objectives. To analyze the variability of major features of common dill plants of the local gene pool, to identify sources for the breeding for performance and resistance to weather conditions and to create new genotypes.
Material and methods. The study was conducted in compliance with "Methodology of Experimentation in Vegetable Growing" (2001) and "Modern Methods in Vegetable Breeding" (2001) in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (Institute of Vegetable and Melon Growing of NAAS) in 2006–2016. The variability and adaptability of traits were eveluated by A.V. Kіlchevskiy, A.V. Khotilyova and L.V. Sazonova’s method. The botanical classification was conducted as B.I. Sechkaryov described.
Results and discussion. In 2006–2016, the yield, morphological and biochemical traits of common dill, cultivar Sanat, were analyzed. It was noticed that the plant height variability was medium (the variation coefficient was 23%) over the growing years; the variability of other parameters (leaf length and width, plant width, stem width) was high with the variation coefficient within 25‑41%. The variation coefficient for the stem height was 100%, which indicates the trait heterogeneity. That is, the established parameters of variability specifically indicate that the cultivar is plastic.
In addition, there was a strong positive correlation between the leaf width and length and the plant width and height (r = 0.93) and a strong negative correlation between the stem height and width (r = -0.71). The results showed that the variability of dry matter was within 12.01–17.42%, of the total sugar – within 1.19–2.21%, of the ascorbic acid content – within 98.01–121.81 mg/100 g, and of nitrate content - within 1084–1920 mg/kg with the max-min difference of 5.41%, 1.02%, 23.81 mg/100 g, and 836 mg/kg, respectively. The total sugar was considered a stable trait; the nitrate content – a changing one.
It was determined that homogeneity could be only achieved in the 5th – 6th generations of intercultivar hybrid populations segregating in the 1st – 3rd generations provided free pollination and selection for increased leaf length and ascorbic acid content.
Conclusions. Using periodic selection by major macrotraits with due account for plasticity parameters, we created competitive lines of common dill: Sheva and Chirik exceeding the standard in terms of the ascorbic acid content and yield by 24.7 mg/100 g and 5.1 t/ha, respectively.
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