Evaluation of tobacco source material in agroclimatic conditions of the central forest–steppe of Ukraine
tobacco, variety, source material, seed yield, productivity, growing season, correlationAbstract
The aim and tasks of the study. The purpose and task of research is to highlight perspective variety samples of tobacco with high levels of seed productivity and precocity that will be used in the selection process. Establish a correlation dependence between the main breeding and genetic features of tobacco plants, which will give an opportunity in further selection work to conduct a one-sided selection on one sign knowing its influence on another.
Materials and methods. The research were conducted during 2017–2018 in the conditions of the Central Forest-steppe of Ukraine at the Research Station of Tobacco of NAAS (Cherkasy region, Uman).
The experimental data obtained by methods of mathematical statistics, using correlation analysis by method of B.O. Dospechov.
Results and discussion. 11 varieties of tobacco were studied on the complex of seed-productive features and precocity. Two promising varieties were proposed – Ternopil 7 and Ternopil 14, which had a significant advantage above all samples and are promising for use in breeding practices and production. Two varieties of Virginia 27 and Temp 321 were distinguished, which were characterized by high seed yield (1,53 and 1,27 t/ha), but had a longer growing season (117 and 121 days).
A close correlation was found between: the length of the growing season and 50 % ripening boxes by 50% (r = 0,99), the seed yield of plants and the yield of inflorescence seeds (r = 0,86), the yield of inflorescence seeds and the number of boxes (r = 0,71).
Conclusions. The best precocity varieties of tobacco with high yield of seed were proposed for introduction into production and involvement in the selection process.
Correlation relations between individual morphological and biological characteristics, economic and valuable features of plants of different varieties of tobacco are determined, which allow determining the degree of variability of one feature depending on the change of another.
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Copyright (c) 2019 А. В. Моргун, В. І. Моргун, К. П. Леонова, О. М. Молодчана

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