The genetic balance of biotypes heterogenetal varieties bread winter wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) in process of breeding seed production
bread winter wheat, heterogeneity varietal population, effects of mechanical lines mixtures, breading seed productionAbstract
The aim and tasks of study. Determine the role and possibility use of biotype composition changes in heterogenetal bread winter wheat varieties in process of breeding production.
Materials and methods. Three varieties with preliminary identified level of heterogeneity (Pysanka, Scarbnytsia, Antonivka), lines randomly selected from these varieties in basis seed production. Field yield frail, morphometric analysis, electrophoresis of storage protein, mathematic, statistical.
Results and discussion. By use three varieties with preliminary identified level of heterogeneity (Pysanka, Scarbnytsia, Antonivka) in process of seed breeding production there have been created mechanical mixtures of randomize selected 6 lines within each of the varieties with different seed correlation. Effect of mechanical lines mixtures relatively yield capacity have been established in trial under two ecological locations. They can be displayed with center probability both as positive as negative trends, that it is possible to reveal only experimental manner. The shares of the lines combinations with positive effects and relative quality of this effect are connect directly with the level of heterogeneity of initial variety. The lines mixtures with maximum expensed and stable positive effect relatively yield capacity and other traits can be considered as a new genetically balance varietal populations. By this method can be improved biotypes composition of initial variety and consequently its agronomical characteristics. The other version is amalgamation of the lines identical morphotypes with common distinctive traits and essential superiority of initial and checking varieties in yield capacity and other characteristics. It is possible to consider as a never variety. By this manner new variety Harmonija odeska was created. Under strong keeping united methods at three research institutes of NAAS the influence of the location of before basic seed production on biotype composition of the varieties have been established. The changes biotype compositions are increased with rise of heterogeneity level of the varieties. The quality of influence these changes on yield capacity of the varietal populations also depend on components of plants productivity, adaptive futures and interaction them in population. Positive effects of selection in process of basis seed production are fixed in following generation and maximum displayed at the same or similar condition.
Conclusions. Positive effects of mechanical lines mixtures writhing one heterogeneity bread winter wheat variety in process of breading seed production can be used for improvement biotype composition of initial variety and consequently its agronomical characteristics. The other way of practical use is to create new balance population which can be considered as new variety. Due to the influence of the location of breading seed production on biotype composition of the heterogeneity varieties keeping identity and balance them can be accomplished only original varieties producer.
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