Agroecological and breeding characteristics of the new genetic diversity of winter triticale of the woodlands-forest-step ecotype


  • В. В. Москалець Institute of Horticulture National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Т. З. Москалець Institute of Horticulture National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • І. В. Гриник Institute of Horticulture National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • В. І. Москалець Nosivka Breeding and Research Station the V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Н. М. Буняк Nosivka Breeding and Research Station the V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine, Ukraine



new genetic diversity, winter hexaploid triticale, agroecological and breeding characteristics


We present data on analysis of morphological and economically valuable traits of new winter hexaploid triticale lines developed created and studied in 2007–2017. New lines Volslav 1, Volslav 2, PS_1-12, PS_2-12, Chornooste, Bilokolose, Bahatozerne 1/07, Slavetne Polipshene proved themselves to be good, taking into consideration consistently high winter hardiness and drought resistance (on average 8.5 points), plant performance (average grain weight per spike =3.8 g, average 1000-grain weight =48 g) and grain yield (on average 6.3 t/ha) in environmental trials in the central forest-steppe (Educational and Research Center of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Kyiv region), the transition zone forest-steppe-woodlands (Nosivska Breeding and Research Station of the V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat NAAS of Ukraine, Chernihiv region) in 2011–2014 and in the northern forest-steppe (Institute of Horticulture NAAS, Kyiv region) in 2017–2018. New breeding material was submitted for studying to theNationalCenterfor Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine at the Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS of Ukraine. We also use it in breeding.

Purpose and objectives – to develop and perform agroecological, breeding and economic assessments of the new starting material of winter hexaploid triticale adapted to the forest-steppe and woodlands of Ukraine.

Material and methods. The breeding work was carried out in the Educational and Research Center of Bila Tserkva NAU in 2007–2017. Winter triticale varieties different eco-geographical origin bred inUkraine and other countries (Slavetne, Pshenychne, Chaian, DAU 5, Urahan, Ladne, Rarytet, Poliske 7, Adas, Woltario, etc.) provided on a contractual basis by the NCPGRU of the Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS was taken as starting material. Hybridization was performed by manual emasculation of female forms and hand-heat pollination 2–3 days after emasculation. All observations and evaluations were carried out in compliance with routine methods. The data were statistically processed using Statistica-5.5 and Excel-2003 software, as B.A. Dospekhov described.

Results and discussion. In 2007–2017 in the central forest-steppe ecotope, promising lines were developed and selected by individual selection, in particular, Slavetne, Pshenychne, Volslav 2/07, PS_2-12, and PS_1-12, and were selected by high grain yield, plant performance grain number per spike, plumpness and increased grain weight per spike; lines Volslav 1/07, Chornooste and LCh/97 have high frost tolerance and winter hardiness, lodging resistance; resistance to germination in spikes, high protein content, good and satisfactory qualities of flour, dough and bread; Bilokolose is early ripening, lodging resistant, has large kernels, shows high drought resistance and strong immunity to fungi; Bahatozernе 1/07 is noticeable for high grain number per spike winter hardiness, etc. Winter triticale lines Volslav 1/07 (the multi-year average grain yield is 5.7 t/ha in the central forest-steppe; the maximum yield is 11.9 t/ha in the northern the forest-steppe), Volslav 2 / 07 (the multi-year average grain yield is 5.5 t/ha and 7.5 t/ha; the maximum yield is 7.3 t/ha and 9.8 t/ha in the central forest-steppe and the transition zone forest-steppe-woodlands, respectively), PS_1 / 12 (the average yield is 6.7 t/ha in the central forest-steppe; the maximum yield is 12.5 t/ha in the northern forest-steppe).

Conclusions. New starting material of winter hexaploid triticale was developed and studied. In 2017 it was submitted for studying to theNationalCenter for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine at the Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS ofUkraine. We also use it in breeding.


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