Peculiarities of soft winter wheat varieties and lines by anatomical and morphophysiological traits of productivity
пшениця м’яка озима, мінливість, анатомічна будова, морфофізіологічна ознака, селекцій-ний індекс, кластерний аналізAbstract
Purpose and tasks. To establish the variability peculiarities of the complex of the traits of the anatomical structure of the stem and spike, as well as the morphophysiological traits of productivity in a wide range of modern varieties and breeding lines of soft winter wheat of different genetic origin.
Material and methods. The researches were conducted in 2015–2017 on the experimental field of KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchayev. The collection of wheat genotypes included 45 varieties and 8 breeding lines of different genetic origin. The plots were distributed by the standard method, triple repetition. The discount area of the plot made up 2 m2, the sowing was carried out with the SSFC-7 sowing machine, the seeding rate was 4.0 million of germinable seeds per ha, the predecessor was fallow land, triple repetition. The anatomical structure of the stem and the complex of the morphophysiological traits of productivity were studied. Mathematical processing of the research results included the variational and cluster analysis.
Results and discussion. According to the results of the three-year research, the variability peculiarities of the complex of the traits of the anatomical structure of the stem and spike of 53 genotypes of soft winter wheat have been established. The greatest variability among the traits of the upper internode was associated with the thickness of the culm and its components: the diameter of the cavity and the wall thickness of the culm (the variation coefficient was 14.5 and 17.7%). The variability of the traits of the anatomical structure of the second internode from above was low or medium.
According to a set of the productivity traits, a different level of variability was observed among the studied set of wheat genotypes. Among the morphological traits of the leaf apparatus, the greatest variability was observed by the traits of the leaf area. Among the traits of the spike productivity, the maximum level of variability was observed by the weight of the spike and the mass of grain from the spike, as well as some breeding indices.
The conducted cluster analysis made it possible to identify the groups of genotypes that differ in the nature of the implementation of the complex of the anatomical and morphophysiological productivity traits. Each of the selected clusters is a separate morphobiological type, which is characterized by the uneven contribution of the individual traits of the anatomical structure of the stem and morphophysiological characteristics to the productivity formation. The selected groups of the varieties are of interest for the use as the parent forms in the combination selection.
Conclusions. As the result of the research of the soft winter wheat samples by the level of variability and the implementation of the anatomical and morphophysiological traits, the breeding value of the varieties and lines suitable for use in combination selection has been established.
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