Improving the root shape of sugar beet in selection for productivity


  • O. А. Parfenіuk Tobacco Experimental Station of the National Research Center “Institute of Agriculture of NAAS”, Ukraine



sugar beets, fodder beets, source material, multi-sprout pollinator, hybrid, root shape, productivity.


The purpose of the research was to create new genotypes of sugar beet multi-shoot pollinators with improved root shape parameters. Study of the nature of changes in biometric indicators of root shape in recombinant beet materials and determination of their productive potential.

Materials and methods. The research were conducted at the Tobacco Experimental Station of the NRC «IA NAAS» during 2017–2019. The solution of the tasks on creation of new genotypes of sugar beet multi-shoot pollinators with the improved parameters of the root shape is carried out by inclusion in selection process of fodder beet biotypes as donors of valuable selection and genetic signs.

Five diploid sugar beet multi-shoot populations of various genetic origins and three fodder beet multi-shoot components of variety Slavia were involved in field experiments. Creation of sugar-fodder hybrids (F1) and subsequent backcrosses (generation BC1 and BC2) were carried out under paired insulators and in spatially isolated areas. Varietal testing of initial forms and hybrids was performed according to the method developed by scientists of IBC&SB of NAAS.

Results and discussion. New sugar beet multi-shoot pollinators of generations BC1 and BC2 with an oval-conical root shape and high basic plant productivity have been created. Their roots in biometric indicators significantly differed from the original forms of sugar beets (BZ): increased root length (L) by 9.6 % and 8.7 %, respectively, and the distance from the plane of the maximum root diameter to the top of the head (B) – by 38.7 %. Also, with the change of the root shape, their weight increased (by 22.6% in BC1 and 19.4 % in BC2). These materials in terms of root yield exceeded the group standard by 15.7% and 12.7%, sugar collection – by 12.0% and 12.9%, respectively. This gives prospects, using these breeding materials as parent components, further growth of the productive potential of new sugar beet hybrids on the basis of CMS.

Conclusions. The use of recombinant beet materials of sugar-fodder type in the selection makes it possible to expand the genetic potential and improve sugar beet by the manifestation of the most important selection-genetic and economically valuable traits


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