Adaptability of sunflower hybrids originated at the VNIS in the Ukrainian conditions
sunflower, hybrid, yield, environment trial, adaptability, plasticityAbstract
Purpose – to select high-yielding promising sunflower hybrids bred at the VNIS for cultivation in certain regions of Ukraine.
Material and methods. The study was carried out in 8 regions of Ukraine in 2019. The environmental plasticity and stability indices of the yield capacity of the sunflower hybrids resistant to tribenuron-methyl (SU)-containing herbicides and imidazolinone (IMI) herbicides were determined. The experimental data were processed by methods of variation statistics, regression and variance analyses.
Results and discussion. The diverse agro-climatic conditions and their distribution during the year in the regions made it possible to fully reveal the yield capacity of the hybrids and to assess their environmental plasticity and stability for this trait. The promising sunflower hybrids were identified. Such hybrids gave high yields during the trials in the eight sites: 2.84–3.43 t/ha from the hybrids resistant to herbicide containing tribenuron-methyl (SU) and 2.86–3.33 t/ha from the hybrids resistant to imidazolinone (IMI) herbicides.
Conclusions. The hybrids, which are promising according to their environmental plasticity and stability, are recommended for cultivation in certain regions of Ukraine.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ya. Sharypina, Borovska I., Ya. Parii, Yu. Parii, V. Babych, M. Nakonechna, Yu. Kostenko, A. Sirko

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