Peculiarities of creation of extra-strong bread winter wheat variety mudrist odeska and realization of its genetic potential
winter bread wheat, variety, genotype, baking quality, evaluation system, selectionAbstract
The study purpose. Using the example of creating a high-qualitybread winter wheat variety Mudrist odeska, show the features of the practical implementation of the breeding program to increase the baking quality of grain to the level of extra-strong wheat and determine the factors that affect the implementation of the genetic potential of this type of varieties.
Materials and methods. Field experiments, intraspecific hybridization, estimation of breeding material under field condition, laboratory baking quality test, electrophoresis, statistics.
Results and discussion. The process of creating extra-strong genotypes is multi- stage: 1 – search and identification of genetic sources of high quality grainin the collection material; 2 – hybridization and synthesis of intermediate genotypes with the maximum expression of quality traits and an acceptable level of productivity and adaptability to biotic and abiotic factors; 3 – implementation of a breeding program for creating varieties of extra-strong wheat based on hybridization of the best experimental lines and specially selected varieties based on the principle of combining different genes (genetic systems) of quality. There are certain specific features of quality expression using different methods of estimation and selection extra-strong genotypes on each stage of breading program. In consequence of studying of variety Mudrist odeska in state variety testing (2012–2014), scientific and farming testing (2018–2019) and long standing (2014–2019) investigation in wheat breeding and seed production department PBGI – NCSCI varieties reaction to contrast agro technical backgrounds it have been determined high yield potential (in more than 10 t/ha) and excellent baking quality extra-strong wheat. Besides that it has been revealed exceptional combining in optimal correlation of adaptability – plasticity and stability, both in terms of yield capacity and the as alveograph value (W). This kind of peculiarity of Mudrist odeska stand out it of line other commercial varieties as reliable base of production high quality food grain of wheat.
Conclusions. The program of breading extra-strong for baking quality bread winter wheat varieties have its methodological peculiarities multi-step investigation of making genetic materials with accumulation of genes (genetic systems), determining of positive effects of grain quality, using special methods and technics of evaluation, identification and selection extra-strong genotypes. Real superiority this kind of genotypes can be discovered only in the end of large investigation reaction them to different ecological environment and contrast agro technical backgrounds. Creation of high-quality bread winter wheat variety Mudrist odeska is the example of successful realization of wheat breading program for extra-strong varietiesReferences
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Copyright (c) 2020 М. А. Lytvynenko, Ye. А. Holub, R. І. Lytvynenko, Z. V. Shcherbyna

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