News lines of winter common wheat (triticum aestivum L.) and winter triticale (xtriticosecale wittmack ex a. camus) in the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine
new genetic diversity, triticale, common wheat, morphological characters, biochemical markers, grain and bread qualityAbstract
The data on the analysis of new lines of common wheat and winter triticale hexaploid level by morphological characteristics, biochemical properties and markers grain created and studied during 2005–2019 are provided. in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
A new breeding material of common wheat and winter triticale hexaploid level has been submitted for study to the National Center for Genetic Resources Plant of Ukraine of the Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuryev of NAAS of Ukraine and is used by us in breeding tasks.
The purpose and objectives of the study – to create and give an agroecological and selection and economic assessment of the new starting material of hexaploid level of winter triticale adapted to the conditions of the Forest-Steppe and Polissia Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The breeding work was carried out in the educational and scientific research center of Bila Tserkva NAU in 2007–2017. The source material was the triticale varieties of winter of various ecological and geographical origin of domestic and foreign selection (Slavetne, Pshenychne, Chayan, DAU 5, Uragan, Ladne, Rarytet, Poliske 7, Adas, Woltario, etc.) provided on a contractual basis to the NCGRP of Ukraine of the Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuryev of NAAS. Hybridization was performed by the method of manual castration of maternal components and fueling by the «fuel-method» 2–3 days after castration. All observations and evaluations were carried out according to the according to generally accepted methodology according to generally accepted methodology. Mathematical-statistical data processing was carried out according to B.A. Dospekhov and using computer software Statistica-5.5 and Excel-2003.
The discussion of the results. It is shown that new wheat lines: Donzorna 1005, Sviatdonivka 1007/05, Kyivopolka 1016, Polezoriana 1021, Flonormyra 1017/05, Zoroariyivka 1024/05, and triticale Trygorsyz give good results, given the consistently high consistently high winter tolerance and drought tolerance (8.5 points on average), plant productivity (average grain weight per ear 2.5 g, weight 1000 grains 50 g) and grain yield (average 5.8 t/ha ) and grain quality (protein content: in wheat grain – 14%, triticale – 10.8%) and flour (gluten content 27–29%, including triticale – 19%).
According to the results of environmental testing in the central and northern Forest-Steppe, new genotypes formed such an average grain yield: Donzorna 1005 – 5.32 t/ha, Sviatdonivka 1007/05 – 5.59 t/ha, Kyivopolka 1016 – 5.89 t/ha, Polezoriana 1021/09 ’ 5.87 t/ha, Flonormyra 1017/05 – 6.77 t/ha, Zoroariyivka 1024/05 – 5.93, and triticale Trygorsyz – 5.17 t/ha.
Analysis of electrophoresis of storage proteins showed that the new Donzorna line 1005/05 is characterized by the presence of recombinant wheat-rye translocation 1BL.1RS from the Caucasus type secalinam. In addition, the genetic marker 1BL.1RS was also noted in the lines KC 14-05 (UA0123342), Zoriana Nosovskaya (UA0110603), L 3-95 (UA0107961), L 41-95 (UA0108030), L 4639/96 (UA 0108163) , which are samples of the Ukrainian Plant Gene Pool, which indicates the possibility of their study in breeding and genetic programs for the use of reserve proteins controlled by the Gli-Al, Gli-R1 loci as genetic markers for identifying genotypes with recombinant 1RS and determining the frequency of recombination between shoulders 1RS as part of various translocations within the framework of tasks on the formation of recombinantly inbred wheat lines with high resistance to a series of stem rusts.
Conclusions. The materials of the article reflect the results of the formation and study of a new source material of winter common wheat and triticale of hexaploid level, which was transferred in 2019 to study in National Center for Genetic Resources Plant of Ukraine of the Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuryev of NAAS of Ukraine in order to register and replenish the country's genetic bank with genotypes valuable for agroecological, breeding and economic traits for long-term selection and genetic research.
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Copyright (c) 2020 V.V. Moskalets, T.Z. Moskalets, I.V. Grynyk, O.V. Kniazyuk, O.A. Shevchuk, O.O. Kravets, V.I. Moskalets, N.M. Buniak

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