Myronosets – a new productive and high-protein winter triticale cultivar, adapted to the woodlands/forest-steppe and forest-steppe of Ukraine


  • V. V. Moskalets Institute of Horticulture National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. I. Moskalets Nosivka Breeding and Research Station the V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of wheat National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • T. Z. Moskalets Institute of Horticulture National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • I. V. Grynyk Institute of Horticulture National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • A. A. Demidov The V.M. Remeslo Myronivka institute of wheat National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • S. I. Voloshchuk The V.M. Remeslo Myronivka institute of wheat National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • S. O. Khomenko The V.M. Remeslo Myronivka institute of wheat National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



hexaploid winter triticale, new cultivar, agroecological and economic characteristics, donor of the short stem


The creation of new triticale genotypes, the potential of which to a certain extent would meet scientific and production needs, will never lose its relevance.

Purpose and objectives – to create a new productive and high-protein winter triticale cultivar, adapted to the Woodlands/Forest-Steppe and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.

Materials and methods. The breeding work to expend the triticale diversity was continued at the Educational and Research Center of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in 2007–2017. The control and environmental trials were conducted in 2009-2019 in the Woodlands (Polissya Institute of Agriculture NAAS (2007–2009); predecessor: seeded fallow), central Forest-Steppe (V.M. Remeslo Myronivska Institute of Wheat NAAS (2016–2019); forecrops: mustard, soybean, pea for seeds; Bila Tserkva NAU (2009–2016); predecessors: seeded fallow, potato), and northern Forest-Steppe (Institute of Horticulture NAAS (2016–2017); forecrop: perennial grasses). No mineral fertilizers were applied. No plant protection measures were taken. Hybridization was performed by manual emasculation of female components. Plants were pollinated by the twirl method 2–3 days after emasculation. The breeding material was studied in compliance with the guidelines of the All-Union Research Institute of Plant Breeding and the methodology of the state cultivar trials. Data were statistically processed, as B.А. Dospekhov described, using Statistica-5.5 and Excel-2003 software.

Results and discussion. We focus on the importance of triticale for mankind both at the present and in the future. We retrospectively reviewed data on the creation of a new winter triticale cultivar, Myronosets. Bioecological features and morphological characteristics of the new cultivar are given. The grain yield and quality are also summarized. The article covers the quantitative parameters of dough and bread from Myronosets grain. We compared the yields, resistance to lodging, in-spike germination, resistance to fungal pathogens and unfavorable abiotic environmental factors in the new triticale cultivar and previously created ones.

The data of the 2019–2020 state variety trials of Myronosets are analyzed, and they indicate that the new cultivar has a high potential in agroecosystems of the Woodlands and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.

Myronosets was found to be a source of the short stem (£90 cm) in subsequent hybrid generations.

In 2008, interspecific hybridization within the notogenus × Triticosecale and double individual selection from F2–F4 hybrid populations derived from crossing (♀Avhusto x ♂Yahuar) x ♂K9844/93 followed by repeated improving selections in F10 allowed us to distinguish the best line, LCh97, which was later named as cultivar Myronosets.

The new triticale cultivar can give > 7.5 t/ha. The average yield is 5.7 t/ha in the Forest-Steppe – Woodlands transition belt, 6.3 t/ha in the central Forest-Steppe, and 3.5 t/ha in the Woodlands. It is noticeable for high lodging resistance, high shedding resistance, low spike brashness, resistance to in-spike germination, complex resistance to Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici Rob. ex Desm (8.5 points), Blumeria graminis (DC.) Speer (9 points.), and Fusarium graminearum Schwabe (8.5 points) and to to the pest Mayetiola destructor Say (8.5 points), high frost tolerance, high winter hardiness, and high drought resistance (8.5–9 points). About 70% of plants survive the laboratory freezing at -18.3°C. The cultivar is also resistant to spring and autumn frosts (9 points).

Myronosets plants were revealed to be able to regulate their performance under the influence of unfavorable extreme bio- and abiotic factors, leaving 3–4 (more seldom 1–2) fruiting stems, often 1–3 stems with underdeveloped spikes and 1–2 unfertile stems without spikes, which form a radical rosette.

Conclusions. As it was shown in the state variety trials, Myronosets is a mid-protein cultivar and recommended for cultivation in agroecosystems of the Woodlands and Forest-Steppe. Myronosets was proven to be a source of the short stem

Author Biography

V. V. Moskalets, Institute of Horticulture National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

селекційно-технологічний відділ, г.н.с.


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