Selection and genetic basis of increasing tobacco productivity
tobacco, variety, seed productivity, breeding, valuable traitsAbstract
Purpose. The article analyzes and summarizes studies of Ukrainian and foreign scientists in order to address pressing issues of tobacco breeding for increased performance. The study purpose was to search for information and sources in order to select promising varieties of tobacco with high seed productivity for further use in breeding.
Materials and methods. Articles and conference abstracts by Ukrainian and foreign researchers were reviewed; other resources related to increased seed productivity and stable yield of leaves with high marketable quality were analyzed.
Results and discussion. The article analyzes publications in which Ukrainian and foreign scientists reported their results on the peculiarities of tobacco breeding. The effects of the vegetation period as well as of biotic and abiotic factors on the seed productivity are described. Different shapes of inflorescence were evaluated for seed productivity. Patterns in the inheritance of seed productivity elements and peculiarities of creation of interspecies hybrids of tobacco were established. The difficulties arising in the process and ways to overcome them are considered. Tobacco collections were analyzed in terms of economic characteristics.
Conclusions. Thus, the article presents a theoretical generalization of and a scientifically sound solution to an important scientific problem of determining the seed productivity of tobacco varieties and breeding material. The patterns in the inheritance of seed productivity traits were established. The following sources of very high seed productivity, with a high genetic potential for the conditions of the Transcarpathian region, were selected for building up a basic collection and its subsequent use in breeding: Amerikan 311, Bravyi 200, Zhovtolystnyi 36, Makhorkovydnyi 28, Temp 400, Erho 23, Basma 99, Zahradni 8, Ukrainskyi 12, Ternopilskyi 14, Berley 38, Virginia 27, Venherskyi Ohorodnyi, and Kruprnolystnyi. Recommendations were given to agrarian enterprises of the Zakarpatska Oblast regarding the tobacco assortment: Amerikan 20, Sobolchskyi 15, Ternopilskyi 7, Ternopilskyi 14, Virginia 27, Temp, Ukrainskyi 18, Ukrainskyi 27, Zakarpatskyi 12, and Kerti.
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