Regional grain production – some problems and peculiarities


  • R.M. Bordun Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast of NAAS, Ukraine



regional market, seed production, grain production, breeding innovations


Purpose and objectives. The purpose was to study and articulate some problems and peculiarities of the development of interregional cooperation between scientists and producers of various forms of ownership for the implementation of breeding innovations and modern technologies at the regional level.

Materials and Methods. Based on the results of monitoring of the regional market of grain products and practical experience of scientists of the Eastern Interregional Research Center of NAAS and Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast of NAAS, aspects of some problems and peculiarities of interregional cooperation between scientists with producers of different forms of ownership for the implementation of breeding innovations and modern technologies at the regional level were investigated.

Methods: dialectical, abstract-logical, monographic, computational-constructive, economic-statistical, graphic modeling, etc.

Results and discussion. Some problems and peculiarities of grain production at the regional level were studied and articulated. Unsatisfactory economic situation, lack of funds in producers of spiked cereal seeds for the reproduction of advanced capital, insufficient solvency of consumers lead to a gradual decline in profitability of the seed and grain industries.

Diligent work of farmers takes place under difficult market conditions, because a significant increase in production costs and lack of funds for quality performance of technological processes negatively affect the producers’ interest and they become unable to invest their money in the domestic grain production. After acquiring all the necessary features, a created variety or a hybrid of spiked cereals is introduced as an innovation, with appropriate information and marketing support.

Conclusions. Based on the above, one can assert that it is important to define market mechanisms for the transfer of breeding innovations and modern technologies that would stimulate innovation activities of agrarian scientists due to creation of competitive scientific products, contributing to a rise in their profitability and commercial interest of grain producers.

Thus, the study indicates a number of problems that cause imperfect development of the seed industry and, as a consequence, a decrease in the efficiency of grain production in our country. It would be important to improve the system of state support for grain producers at all stages of grain production.


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