Priorities for further development of sales activities of the Plant production institute of named after V.Ya. Yuriev in the Ukrainian pea seed market
breeding, competition, market, SWOT analysis, threats, opportunities, seedsAbstract
Materials and methods. Recent data of the FAO and the Ukrainian State Statistical Service on the production and sales of seeds of first generations of pea varieties of the Laboratory of Grain Legume Breeding were taken as source materials for the study. The SWOT analysis principles and mechanisms and I Ansoff's matrix were used as analytical tools..
Results and discussion. The choice of the Institute's strategy for scientific products (pea seeds) was rationalized using the ‘product-market’ matrix (I. Ansoff's matrix). In this aspect, the focus is on organic farming and organic products. This link also includes the state support for animal husbandry. The product development strategy emphasizes the generation of new models, quality improvement, etc. In this respect, the issue of breeding specialized food pea varieties is important.
If we analyze the SWOT-matrix of the strengths of the scientific products under investigation, we will see that the Institute’s results are quite fundamental and will ensure an advantage over other manufacturers for a long time. We consider the strengths of the Institute to be its well-moulded image and recognition in the pea seed market not only in Ukraine but also abroad. The creation of new varieties of peas is the mainstream of work; the list of indicators to which both existing and potential buyers pay close attention is constantly modified. At the same time, the weaknesses identified due to the analysis and significantly affecting the sales of pea seeds of first generations are adjustable. Thus, limiting employees in royalties as well as lack of investment in marketing and analysis of marketing activities do not increase sales. In today's world, the vast majority of information comes via the Internet, where consumers’ opinions about products are formed. Therefore, it is advisable to advertise products on the Internet to provide interesting and useful information. Without updated information, consumers lose interest in the manufacturer.
Conclusions. SWOT analysis allows one to find the weaknesses and strengths of scientific products, to compare the threats and opportunities of the business space. In addition to in-depth market analysis to increase sales of scientific products, specifically peas bred by the Institute, it is necessary to finance projects for Internet advertising of scientific products, to professionally support the Institute's website, to improve the professionalism of employees, and to give them reasonable financial and career motivation.
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Copyright (c) 2022 А. О. Vasylenko, Ye. M. Ulko, N. Yu. Yegorova, L. M. Shevchenko, A. M. Hliantsev, I. M. Bezuhlyi, A. M. Shtelma
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