Effect of Autumn Nitrogen Fertilization on The Yield of Winter Wheat Sown After Different Predecessors
winter wheat, nitrogen fertilizer, ammonium nitrate, autumn fertilization, yield, sunflower predecessor, pea predecessor, black steamAbstract
Winter wheat is one of the most productive and valuable food crops, but it can yield a lot of good-quality grain on fertile soils only or provided application of sufficient amounts of fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilization of crops is especially important; it should be moderate in autumn and sufficient during the tillering phase and yield formation. Despite numerous studies with nitrogen fertilizers, there is still no consensus on the effectiveness of autumn fertilization. The purpose of this study was to determine the yield of winter bread wheat sown after different predecessors (sunflower, pea and black fallow) depending on various doses of ammonium nitrate applied in autumn. The field experiment included 15 variants of ammonium nitrate application at doses of the active substance calculated as N30, N60, N90, and N120. Autumn fertilization of winter wheat significantly increased its yield, especially when wheat was sown after sunflower. After pea and black fallow, the highest yield was harvested at N30 dose; while N60 was required to achieve the highest yield from post-sunflower-sown wheat. A further increase in the nitrogen dose had no advantage over lower doses of autumn fertilization with ammonium nitrate, regardless of the predecessor.
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Popov Yu. V., Avramenko S.V. Effect of autumn application of different doses and types of nitrogen fertilizers on post-sunflower-sown winter wheat yield. Plant Breeding and Seed Production. 2024. 125. P. 94-101.
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