Integral assessment of a degree of genetic protection of spring barley varieties from hazardous organisms
Spring barley, variety, biotic stress, index, resistance, adaptivity, biotic plasticity, pathogens, pestAbstract
Application of the integral index of complex resistance to estimate resistance of source and breeding material to biotic environmental factors is discussed in this article. The main aim of the study is isolation of spring barley varieties with genetic protection from common pathogens and the lesser frit fly. Creation and implementation of spring barley varieties with high level of protection from stressful environmental conditions contributes to rise in yield capacity and crop quality as well as to reduction in crop prime cost and ecological load on environment. Results. Varieties with individual, group and complex resistance to biotic factors have been isolated due to the assessment performed. The index of complex resistance showed varieties with high level of genetic protection. Conclusions. The study results can be applied in spring barley breeding programs. The approach used in the study allows differential estimating genetic protection level of source and breeding material from hazardous organisms and can be used for any agricultural plant.
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