Reaction of sorts of winter grain crops on mineral fertilizer after predecessor soy


  • С. І. Попов The Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS, Ukraine
  • С. В. Авраменко Інститут рослинництва ім. В. Я. Юр’єва НААН, Ukraine



Sort, winter wheat, winter triticale, winter rye, productivity, mineral fertilizer, soy, predecessor 


To the article the results of long-term researches are driven in relation to the reaction of modern sorts of winter wheat, triticale and rye on the different norms of mineral fertilizer after a predecessor soy in years with different weather terms in east part of Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Studies were undertaken a during 2010-2013 in the short rotary field crop rotation of laboratory of plant production and study of sorts. It is set that on the average for years researches at bringing of different doses of mineral fertilizers the sort of winter wheat Doskonala on 4-8 % exceeded on the productivity a sort Alliance. Among the investigated sorts of winter triticale on control (without fertilizers), and also at bringing of N45P15K15 and N75P45K45 a sort Raritet on 8-10 % exceeded on the productivity sort Ratne. On all variants of mineral fertilizer the hybrid of winter rye Slobozhanets F1 on 12-19 % exceeded on the productivity a sort Pamyat Hudoerka. At bringing of mineral fertilizers in the norm of N75P45K45 the investigated grain-crops formed the greatest productivity that at the sorts of winter wheat averaged Alliance and Doskonala according to a 4,12 ton/of ha and a 4,45 ton/of ha, sorts of winter triticale – according to a 4,18 ton/of ha and a 4,51 ton/of ha, sorts of winter rye Pamyat Hudoerka and hybrid of rye of Slobozhanets F1 is a 4,18 ton/of ha and 4,70 ton/of ha. It was also set that at the basic bringing of fertilizers in the dose of N30P30K30 the productivity of winter grain-crops was substantially higher, than at the fractional bringing of N45P15K15


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