Combining ability families S3 – S5 received on the basis of double sisterly hybrids geneticplasma iodent of maize


  • Б. В. Дзюбецький Agricultural Steppe Zone Institute of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Т. М. Бондарь Agricultural Steppe Zone Institute of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



Geneticplasma Iodent, sisterly double hybrid, inbred family, combining ability


In the article presents the results of research self-pollinated families S3 – S5 obtained on the basis of sisterly double corn hybrid geneticplasma Iodent conducted in contrasting weather conditions, respectively.

Results. It is known, that the yield of hybrids determines the prospects for their use in production. The main indicator of breeding values of lines is their combining ability and especially with respect to grain yields. In our research it varied significantly by patient testcrosses depending on the year.

Obtained testcrosses self-pollinated families had lower grain moisture and improved grain yield than the standards that indicate a high combining ability of the resulting material selection and effectiveness of the selection on this basis.

Conclusions. As a result of the evaluation and selection among families S3 – S5 selected genotypes with high and stable estimates TCA for grain yield and grain moisture content below the line than the standard. The best family testcrosses S5 exceeded standards for grain yield by 1,0 – 1,8 %, indicating the prospects of their use in practical breeding.


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