Formation of genealogy database of soybean varieties in ncpgru and its practical significance
Genealogy database, soybean, variety, collectionAbstract
Purpose. The results of the formation of genealogy database of soybean varieties included in the core collection of pulses of the National Center of Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine (NCPGRU) are presented in the article.
Materials and Methods. Effective preservation of soybean varieties is formed and provided in NCPGRU; the core soybean collection comprises 2,685 samples (as of 01.01.2014) of two subgenera: the subgenus Glycine represented by nine perennial species originating from the Australian Centre and the subgenus Soja (Moench) F. J. Herm. Represented by two annual species from the Chinese Center, these are the cultigen G. max. (L.) Merr. and the wild Ussuri soybean G . Soja et Zuce. The gathered collection material is studied and systematized under field and laboratory conditions.
Results and Discussions. Information about the parentage of source material involved in the breeding process, when new competitive varieties were being created, is of great importance for the selection of source material for further work. In most cases, the access to this information is limited. In the Laboratory of Genetic Resources of pulses and Cereals exploratory work has been conducted. As a result of this work a parentage database for 333 soybean varieties was created. The database is constantly updated. The database was formed in the licensed software Microsoft Office Excel. The parentage database fields display the information about the numbers of National Catalogue and Registration of Ukraine, sample name, country of origin, parentage, method of creation, and source of information. The analysis of the parentage of early ripening soybean varieties of the Ukrainian and Russian breeding showed the early ripening, resistant to drought and diseases variety South-30 in the genealogies analyzed. The current soybean varieties of the Canadian origin were created with the involvement of a late-ripening parental form in crossing.
Conclusions. Information about the parentage of soybean varieties is of great scientific and practical significance; it is determined how close the primary forms are by origin, and what features the chosen primary forms carry in their genotypes. Possessing information about the parentage of current and old soybean varieties, in the design of their work on the creation of new competitive varieties breeders can optimize and focused it on solving urgent problems.
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