Problematic but prospective direction of breeding: introgressions into genome of winter bread wheat different donors


  • С. П. Лифенко Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute – National Center of seed and Cultivar Investigation, Ukraine
  • Т. П. Нарган Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute – National Center of seed and Cultivar Investigation, Ukraine
  • М. Ю. Наконечний Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute – National Center of seed and Cultivar Investigation, Ukraine



Wheat, hybrid, introgressive hybridization, variety, Triticum timopheeviі, Triticum timonovum


The conclusion due to common regularities and results in varieties breeding of winter bread wheat were done basing on long-term analyses and realization of breeding programs in the institutions of the former Soviet Union and the Ukraine till last ten years. The most impotent period and varieties having great role in history of wheat cultivation were marked.

The main problems in hybridization of winter bread wheat as winter relative so with remote species of cereals were studied. The methods of modern biotechnology and means of solving the most known and spread difficulties as barrier of non-cross ability of species and progeny sterility in new forms of plants received by method of remote hybridization were demonstrated.

Possibilities to increase protein content of grain and semolina quantity of winter bread wheat under introgressive hybridization were exposed. Changes of physical features of semolina and dough decreasing of bread-making quality of forms creating by such a type of hybridization were made up.

Importance of the sp. Tr. timopheevii complex of immunity to diseases which genes of resistance were located in genome G was shown up. Successful transferring of resistance gens to genetically donor of semi wild from of bread wheat TP-114-65A have demonstrated in future significant variety forming ability.

Results of breeding with remote hybridization on resistance to main fungi diseases were analyzed. Attention was accentuated on varieties created by remote hybridization. On own investigations and results of the state test were done summarized conclusions. Characteristics in text and tables of new varieties on complex of economic features, as yielding, frost and winter resistance, drought resistance and disease resistance were done in the work. These varieties have in their pedigree genotypes from winter bread wheat hybridization with wild relatives: Ae. caudate, Aе. ovate, Tr. timopheevii, Tr. timonovum, Elymus sibericum L. etc.

Conclusion about expediency of introgressive recombinant changeability using in breeding programs and in varieties creation, particularly, wheat breeding, was done. 


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