The estimation of the adaptive abilities and stability of varieties and breeder lines in the bread wheat breeding


  • В. М. Стариченко National Scientific Center «Institute Agriculture of NAAS», Ukraine
  • Л. М. Голик National Scientific Center «Institute Agriculture of NAAS», Ukraine
  • Н. А. Ткачова National Scientific Center «Institute Agriculture of NAAS», Ukraine
  • М. В. Литус Tsherkasi State Selection Research Station of the NSC «Institute Agriculture of NAAS», Ukraine



Bread wheat, adaptive ability, yield, method of determine adaptability


Nowadays, breeders are challenged to create wheat varieties are not only high performance but also resistant to biotic and abiotic environmental factors.

The aim of the study was to determine the adaptive ability of new breeding lines of winter wheat.

Conditions and Methods. We used the method of genetic analysis of Kilchevskii - Khotilova that is based on the genotypes tested in different environments and allow identifying general and specific adaptive ability of genotypes and their stability. It is possible to estimate the breeding value of genotype and lead selection for adaptive ability. To determine the adaptive ability of the samples were trying to create the most differentiated growing conditions. The study was conducted during 2010 - 2013 years in three points : Kopyliv experimental field (Makarov district, Kiev region), Cherkasy ES (Smila district, Cherkasy region), Panfyly ES (Yagotyn district, Kiev region).

Results and discussion. Analyzed 122 breeding lines of winter wheat for adaptive ability. As a growing conditions used geographic locations and conditions of the year. In terms of productivity, adaptive ability and stability and using variety adaptability rating (VAR) identified a number of lines. Among them were highly stable lines as well as samples with average stability and plasticity. The used method for determination of VAR, in our opinion, needs some work by introducing a coefficient of relevance of indicators


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