Characterization of hulless oat samples by yield capacity and adaptability
Genotype, yield capacity, breeding value, variability, homeostaticity, stability, adaptabilityAbstract
The aim of our research was to study the adaptive features of hulless oats, to establish indices of yield capacity variability, to evaluate breeding value and homeostaticity.
Methods. The studies were conducted in the fields of the Laboratory of Breeding Cereals and forage crops of theInstitute ofAgriculture of the Carpathian region in 2011-2013. To calculate homeostaticity and breeding value indices the method of Khangildin VV (1978, 1981) was used. Analysis of variance of yield capacity data, assessments of variability and stability indices were performed according to Dospekhov B. A. (1985) and Microsoft Excel.
Results. The studies found that in the Western forest-steppe ofUkraine hulless oat samples of different origin form a smaller grain yield compared with a chaffy standard vatiety. To increase the productivity potential breeding work should be intensified with hulless oats to create high-yielding varieties with high adaptive capacity.
Hulless samples with high values of standard deviation are also characterized by high yield capacity based on the variation coefficient, indicating their instability and a wide norm of reaction upon changing their cultivation conditions.
The varieties AC Belmont, Terra, Boudrais, AC Hill (Canada), Avgol (Ukraine), Gosha (Belarus), Galz (Kazakhstan) and five breeding lines demonstared a high breeding value as a genetic sample potential in breeding for yield stability. AC Hill and Ghosha only stood out by a relatively higher yield capacity among these samples.
High homeostaticity in terms of Hom 1 or Hom 2 was inherent to the samples Terra (Canada), Inermis 1036, Sibirskiy Golozyornyy (Russia), Galz (Kazakhstan), Hendon (Great Britain) and four breeding lines. A low level of homeostaticity was observed in 26 samples in terms of Hom 1 and in 25 samples in terms of Hom 2. The varieties Avgol (Ukraine), AC Lotta, AC Belmont, AC Hill, Boudrais (Canada), Ghosha (Belarus), Inermis 1036 (Russia ) and the breeding line AC Belmont /Krepish were noted for a medium level of homeostaticity in terms of Hom 1 (24.15-40.30 ). In terms of Hom 2 the medium homeostaticity of 88.40-169.65 was shown by the varieites Avgol (Ukraine), AC Lotta, AC Baton, IZT 00422, Vicar (Canada), Galz (Kazakhstan) and the two breeding lines Chernigovskiy 27 / AC Lotta.
Conclusions. Hulless oat samples characterizing by high indices of breeding value or homeostaticity levels were identified. The oat varieties combining both features - Terra (Canada) and Galz (Kazakhstan) are of extrinsic value for breeding.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Ю. А. Лісова, З. О. Царик, А. О. Дацько

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