Ecological stability of spring barley varieties on productivity and the creation of a valuable source of material


  • О. Є. Важеніна Plant Production Institute nd. a V. Ya. Yuryev NAAS, Ukraine



Spring barley, variety, rank of environmental estimation, genotypic effect coefficient of the regression, line, environmental stability, productivity


In the 2004-2013 studies on adaptive capacity and plasticity of spring barley varieties (2004-2006) and dependence on the efficiency of selection valuable lines of hybrids (2007-2013) from these varieties are carry out.

Results. According to the environmental estimation for the lower ranks of genotypic effect (in fact the overall adaptive capacity), the regression coefficient (degree of plasticity) and environmental sustainability for the lesser amount of their rank level relative the practical value of spring barley 26 varieties in separate grounds was defined. According to the estimation on stages of the selection process are high-yielding lines received from crosses between these varieties are pick out. Valuable lines are created with using mainly varieties with environmental relevance, stability of the individual characteristics of the elements of the structure of productivity. 08-73 Line transferred to the State variety testing in 2013, as a varieties of Malyovnychyi.

Conclusions. The efficiency of selection of line hybrids depends on the level of environmental values at rank of genotypic effect and regression coefficient for the individual structural elements of productivity of plants.


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