Correlation between productivity traits forms of different origin perennial grass poa family


  • Г. С. Коник Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian region, Ukraine
  • Л. З. Байструк-Глодан Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian region, Ukraine
  • М. М. Хом’як Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian region, Ukraine
  • Р. Є. Іванців Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian region, Ukraine



Dactylis glomerata L., Lolium perenne L., Phleum pretense L., Festuca rubra L., signs, correla-tion, accessions


Purpose is to identify relationships between different morphological and biological properties and economically valuable signs and allocation of valuable breeding material.

Methods. Study on correlation of level interpopulation when using hay was carried out on samples that were allocated by the complex agronomic traits: Dactylis glomerata L. s. Drogobythanka, s. Dainava, Lolium perenne L. s. Drogobythskiy 16, № 716, № 3477, Phleum pretense L. s. Pidgyrianka, №  2806, Festuca rubra L. № 1009, № 1007, № 1008.

Results. In the selection of plants Dactylis glomerata L. to raise grain and forage productivity features to be used "panicle length and seed weight", "weight of grains and grain number in panicle", "weight and seed weight ear."

Between grounds grain productivity Lolium perenne L. there is a positive correlation, which is determined by the tightness in the complex hierarchy of relations with the resulting feature, varietal characteristics, duration of the growing season.

Selection of plant varieties Pidgyrianka Phleum pretense L. to improve forage productivity can be made on the basis of "plant height" and "cover of leaves"

In between samples Festuca rubra L. signs "number of grains in the inflorescence" and "grain yield" positive correlation was average, the correlation coefficient r = 0,47-0,73. Selected samples can serve genetic resources in breeding programs to create high-yielding varieties of integrated use.

Conclusions. Established relationship between forage and grain productivity and their elements to interpopulation equal signs grain productivity in samples Dactylis glomerata L., Lolium perenne L., Phleum pretense L., Festuca rubra L. Revealed that grain productivity is closely correlated with indicators such as the structure of panicle grain weight, ear, Sultan; number of generative shoots in the bush; weight of 1000 grains and grain number in panicle, ear and sultans.


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