Evaluation of soybean varieties based on correlation quantitative traits and indexes


  • Н. В. Коханюк Feed Research Institute and Agriculture of Podillya NAAS, Ukraine




Soybean, variety, quantitative trait, element of productivity, index, correlation


Accession. An important role for the characteristics productivity of plants is due by quantitative traits that characterize the contribution of different signs in indicator of seeds yield.

Material and methods of research. Assessment of productivity conducted during 2010–2012 in Feed Research Institute and Agriculture of Podillya NAAS. The object of research were soybean varieties of different maturity groups with nursery collection. To evaluate the productivity of soybean varieties have used correlation between its elements.

The results of research. Using of correlation analysis of productivity elements in evaluation of soybean varieties is presented. It is stated that seed productivity in soybean varieties has high positive correlation with the number of pods per plant (r= 0,85–0,98) and seed numbers (r= 0,85–0,99) that an opportunity to use them indifferently at evaluating productivity.

Conclusions. Most closely correlated with productivity and can be used as selection criteria on the productivity the following indexes: weight of seed/weight of plant, weight of plant/number of nodes, weight of seed/number of nodes, weight of seed/number of pods and weight of one seed.


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