GGE biplot analysis of genotype × environment interaction in spring barley varieties


  • П. М. Солонечний Plant Production Institute nd. a V.Ya. Yuryev of NAAS, Ukraine
  • М. Р. Козаченко Plant Production Institute nd. a V. Ya. Yuryev NAAS, Ukraine
  • Н. І. Васько Plant Production Institute nd. a V. Ya. Yuryev NAAS, Ukraine
  • О. Г. Наумов Plant Production Institute nd. a V. Ya. Yuryev NAAS, Ukraine
  • О. Є. Важеніна Plant Production Institute nd. a V. Ya. Yuryev NAAS, Ukraine
  • О. В. Солонечна Plant Production Institute nd. a V. Ya. Yuryev NAAS, Ukraine
  • П. П. Дмитренко Donetsk Experiment Station NAAS, Ukraine
  • О. Л. Коваленко Research Station of Bast Crops of the Institute of Agriculture of North-East of NAAS, Ukraine



GGE biplot, spring barley, genotype  environment interaction, environmental variety trial, performance, stability


Purpose. To show advantages of  GGE biplot analysis for visualization and interpretation of results of environmental variety trials as exemplified by testing seven varieties spring barley in terms of performance in 2013. To identify genotypes with high performance and stability.

Materials and Methods. The article describes GGE biplot analysis of the results of environmental variety trials of seven spring barley varieties bred at the Plant Production Institute nd. a V.Ya. Yuryev NAAS in three locations.

Results. The results of GGE biplot analysis showed that the first two basic components (PC1 and PC2) determined 88.2% of the total variability caused by genotype  environment interaction. The polygon view of GGE biplot showed that genotype G1 was the most productive among genotypes in locations E3 and E2, and genotype G6 - in location E2. Genotypes G1, G3 and G6 were found to be the closest to the "ideal" genotype in terms of performance and stability. According to the average productivity varieties can be ranked in the following order: G6> G1> G3> G5> G7> G2> G4. The productivity of genotypes G6, G1 and G5 was the most variable, and genotype G3 was noticeable for its high performance and stability. Discriminatory and representative capacities of the environmental variety trial locations were estimated as a tester for assessing genotypes. Locations E1 and E3 had long vectors and a large inclination angle with the AEC abscissa, indicating their unsuitability as testers for selecting the best genotypes, but at the same time the applicability of their using as testers for selection for stability. Location E2 had a long vector and a small inclination angle with the abscissa AEC, which makes it optimal for estimating genotypes.

Conclusions. Benefits of using GGE biplot analysis for visualization and interpretation of results of environmental variety trials were proven.


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