Problems of breeding f1 hybrids rape and solutions
Winter rape, plot hybridization, sterile form, fertile form, interphase period, nectar, sort pureness seedsAbstract
Purpose. Study the characteristics of sterile and fertile forms of winter rape for winter hardiness, duration of interphase periods, the sugar content in the nectar of flowers to address seed production hybrids F1.
Methods, material. The studies were conducted during the 2010-2014. On experimental fields and the laboratory of the Plant Production Institute nd. V. Ya. Yuryev, Kharkov. Studied the original form of sterile and fertility restorer winter rape. Sowing was carried out at the optimum time, the end of the third decade of August. Observations and surveys carried out by conventional methods in scientific institutions. Micromethod used for determining free and invert sugar ferricyanide method.
Results. Found that the sterile and fertile forms differ in terms of the passage of the interphase periods. The duration of the period of "shoots - leaf rosette", " resumption of the spring growing season - ramification", " ramification - bud", "budding - flowering", "green ripeness - wax ripeness" was almost the same as that of sterile and fertile in forms. Differences over the years have been significant. During the "flowering - green ripeness" and the growing season in sterile form longer than the fertile forms an average of 17 and 23 days.
Our investigations have established that forms fertile flowers compared with sterile synthesized more monosaccharides, sucrose and total sugars. The average fertile synthesized form monosaccharides 369 mkg / flower, sucrose 190 mkg / flower and total sugars 559 mkg / flower sterile form monosaccharides 250 mkg / flower, sucrose 108 mkg / flower and total sugars 360 mkg / flower. Concluded that the fertile form yavlyayutsya higher priority for pollination bee. When the studies were developed and proposed sites of hybridization schemes.
Сonclusions. For pureness of hybrid seeds necessary to create a fertility restorer with simultaneous growth and development as a sterile lines. Necessary to develop schemes hybridization sites for oilseed rape.
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