Formation of grain yield by intense varieties of winterspiked crops after predecessors sunflower and soybean


  • С. І. Попов The Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS, Ukraine
  • Г. К. Фурсова Kharkiv National Agrarian University nd. a V. V. Dokuchaiev, Ukraine
  • С. В. Авраменко Plant Production Institute nd. a V. Ya. Yuryev NAAS, Ukraine



Winter spiked crops, grain yield, soybean and sunflower predecessors, system of mineral fertilization


The paper presents results of studying formation of performance by intensive varieties of winter spiked crops-wheat, triticale and rye after soybean and sunflower predecessors with various doses of mineral fertilizers under the conditions of unstable and insufficient moistening in the Eastern Steppe of Ukraine.

Results. Over the study years the priority of either precursor to a large extent depended on the autumn weather conditions, harvesting time and quality of seedbed preparation after the predecessors investigated. Over the study years (2010-2013) on average in the fertilizer-free variant soybean and sunflower predecessors were equivalent to winter spiked crops. With various doses of mineral fertilizer, grain yield in the investigated varieties of winter wheat, winter triticale and winter rye after sunflower was on average by 5.9 %, 15.6 % and 11.1 %, respectively, higher compared to the yield after soybean.

Conclusions. Thus, it was found that with optimization of mineral nutrition and appropriate water provision grain yield of winter spiked crops could be at the same level after sunflower and soybean predecessors.


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