Response of rice strains to different sowing time under the conditions of Ukraine’s steppe


  • В. О. Скидан Institute of rice NAAS, Ukraine
  • М. С. Скидан Institute of rice NAAS, Ukraine
  • В. М. Сучкова Institute of rice NAAS, Ukraine



Rice, strain, fertilizers, sowing time, yield


With the advent of new varieties became necessary research complex influence of fertilizer and time of sowing on the yield of rice in the rice crop rotations. Therefore, our research has focused on that issue.

The purpose and objectives of research. The aim of our study was to determine the features of the cultivation of rice varieties, depending on the doses of fertilizers and time of sowing.

Methodology and source material, years of research. Investigations were carried out at the experimental field of the Institute of NAAS rice in 2011-2012. The experiments were laid by the method Dospehovim BA

Results and discussion. Presented are the results of research in the seeding times and fertilizers the rice yields in rice crop rotation under the conditions of the southern steppe of Ukraine. It is discovered that the best rice yield was recorded with N120+30P30 fertilizer in the first sowing times, which constituted 6.48 tonnes/ha for the Debut strain, 8.04 tonnes/ha for the Ontario strain and 8.24 tonnes/ha for the Admiral strain. The Debut strain proved to be the most sensitive to the sowing times in terms of germinating capacity which has fallen down by 5.1-13.1% compared to the first sowing time. The germinating capacity of the Ontario strain showed steady response to the sowing times. 


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