Oat – production status and efficiency, new varieties and opportunities


  • В. Ю. Черчель State Institute of Agriculture of the Steppe zone of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Е. М. Федоренко State Institute of Agriculture of the Steppe zone of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • А. В. Алдошин State Institute of Agriculture of the Steppe zone of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • В. П. Солодушко State Institute of Agriculture of the Steppe zone of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Н. О. Ляшенко State Institute of Agriculture of the Steppe zone of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine




Оat, variety, planting acreage, gross collection, yield capacity, level of profitability, self-cost


Results and discussions. Biological peculiarities and trends of usage of common oat are described. Dynamics of crop areas, yield capacity and gross collections of this important forage and food agricultural plant. Economic analysis of the efficiency of oat grain production was performed. Recently there has been a downward tendency in the production of oat grain in Ukraine – for example, in 2008 gross collection was 944.400 tons, and in 2013 – 467.200 tons with the yield of 2.17 t/ha and 1.86 t / ha, respectively. The main cause for the decrease in gross collection of oat grain is a reduction of areas sown to oat from 445.600 ha to 241.300 ha, respectively.

Oat cultivation allows simple reproduction provided that the yield capacity is not less than 2.0-2.5 t/ha. Based on the average of oat yields in Ukraine (1.42-2.17 t/ha), its profit is on the limit of positive balance, but more often it is determined by negative financial results.

Conclusions. The new oat varieties Spurt, Busol, Iren, Sterno with the potential grain yield of 4.0-6.0 t/ha, capable of providing producers with positive financial results, were characterized.


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