Differentiation of maize inbread lines for response on cytoplamyc male sterility
maize, inbred line, cytoplasmyc male sterility, heterosis sterility maintainer, fertility restorerAbstract
It were conducted the investigation of new maize inbred lines which were created in the laboratory of maize breeding and seed production on M (S) – type cytoplasm by the test crossing with lines Kharkivska5 Mand GK26 M.
The aim and tasks of the study. To determine reaction of 50 new maize inbred lines on M (S) – cytoplasm as well as to investigate This lines for valuable agronomic traits.
Material and methods. The estimation of test-hybrids for the rank of fertility restoration were conducted over 2008-2009 years. During the ear silk outbreak in were calculated the plant for each sterility group. Because we were interested in full restorers and full sterility maintainers it were used the four-point scale of sterility. Also the lines were investigated for productivity and their elements as well as other quantity traits according to conventional techniques.
Results and discussion. The testcross progenies obtained by crossing of inbred lines with analyzers were studied over 2008-2009 years. It has permit to classify inbred lines by the type of simple hybrids’ flowering. The majority of the lines (62 %) observed stability for the traits of sterility and fertility during the years. Among the constant lines it were segregated high productivity samples that suitable for combining harvesting.
Conclusions. As a result of work it were found pollen fertility restorers and 27 V (S) – type sterility maintainers. It were identified sources of valuable agronomic traits for using in heterotic breeding.
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