Contemporary fibre level in non-narcotic varieties of hemp (cannabis sativa l.)




hemp, fibre, stalk, variety, breeding, tetrahydrocannabinol


Utilization of hemp stalks (Cannabis sativa L.) for energy purposes is a promising field of its application, so long as it is possible to use for fuel both whole stalk and waste products after its processing (awnchaff). Hemp stalk has a high calorific value, which is slightly inferior to coal, but exceed those for soft wood and peat. Despite intensive breeding works aimed at reducing tetrahydrocannabinol content, it became possible to keep the primary value of the crop that is an ability to form a good yield of stalks and fibre. As a result of many years of breeding work obtained were non-narcotic monoecious hemp varieties Hliana, Hlukhivskiy 46, Hlukhivski 51 with fibre content 30.0 to 38.9%. Of these, the most promising for the fibre production is variety Hlukhivski 51. By fibre yield, this variety exceeds standard one by 1.5 t/ha.


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