Manifestations of modification capacity of winter triticale genotypes of forest-steppe and polissya ecotypes
winter triticale ecomorphs, ecotope conditions, technology of cultivation, yield capacity, grain quality, autecological, demecological and synecological levelsAbstract
We experimentally studied biocenotic manifestations of modification capacity of winter triticale genotypes of Forest-Steppe and Polissya ecotypes depending on agro-ecological factors. Winter triticale cultivars were studied as ecomorphological geocenoconsortiums that defined agro-ecological assessment of them, depending on genotypic and phenotypic characteristics.
The aim and tasks of the study. The study purpose - to substantiate theoretically and develop methodological bases of ecosystem formation of highly productive winter triticale phytocenoses in the Forest-Steppe and Polissya of Ukraine.
Material and Methods. The stationary studies were carried out in the Forest-Steppe, Forest-Steppe/Pollisya transition zone, and Pollisya. Winter triticale phytocenosis status was evaluated by morphological, biological and valuable economic traits of agrophytocenoses, their suitability for use in certain conditions of an ecotope. Parameters of yield structure elements, course of phenological developmental phases, dynamics of plant growth increment, length of growing season, leaf area, net photosynthetic productivity, photosynthetic potential, root system parameters in different soil horizons and tops were determined. Winter hardiness of ecomorphs in experiments was evaluated according to data of autumn and spring surveys od phytocenosis status.
Results and Discussion. A scheme to create sustainable highly productive winter triticale phytocenoses at various hierarchical levels (autecological, demecological, consortium, zonal, biocenotic, ecosystem) through breeding and testing of ecomorphs (hybrids, lines) having a number of valuable economic and environmental traits was suggested. In addition to morphological and physiological characteristics of cultivars of specific ecotypes, ecomorphic peculiarities of cultivar response to impact of certain agrotechnical factors (mineral fertilizers, microbial agents, predecessors, seeding rate and timing) were proposed to use.
Conclusions. Identification of winter triticale cultivars as ecomorphs provided design of a logically order
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