Prospects for interspecific potato hybrids of various ripeness in terms of starch content and yield
potato, interspecific hybrids, backcross, starch content, starch yield, meteorological conditionsAbstract
The article presents the research results on breeding value of interspecific potato hybrids, which belong to various ripeness groups and were generated with involvement of Mexican wild species, in terms starch content in tubers and starch yield per plant.
The aim and tasks of the study was to evaluate the potential of interspecific hybrids of various ripeness and their backcrosses by starch content, starch yield per plant and the effect of meteorological conditions during the experiment years on trait expression.
Materials and methods. Source material was interspecific hybrids obtained with involvement of three, four, five and six wild and cultivated species. Presence in the origin of S. bulbocastanum species was common to all combinations. They were created by backcrossing, self-pollination at different stages and hybrid crossing between one another.
Results and Discussion. A substantial potential of hybrids and their backcrosses in terms of starch content was proved. Even in 2012, which was very unfavorable for starch formation, a significant portion of the investigated material exceeded values of standard varieties. In 2013 and especially in 2014, which were better for starch formation, there was much more of such material. The proportion of hybrids with the trait level of greater than 22.0% was 20.0% and 25.0% among very late-ripening hybrids, respectively.
Low starch content in early-ripening hybrids in 2012 determined its low yield per plant. All such hybrids were referred to the class of 40.0 g/plant value and lower. In the next year, they were presented in two classes, and in 2014 - in three classes, up to120 g/ plant.
Conclusions. Numerous interspecific hybrids and their backcrosses greatly exceeding the standard varieties by this parameter, which under favorable conditions was greater than 200 g/plant, were identified. They were also noticeable for breeding value by other traits.
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