Transgressive variability of productivity traits of durum spring wheat f2 hybrids


  • О. С. Хоменко The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • В. М. Федоренко The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS, Ukraine, Ukraine



durum spring wheat, transgression, productivity, hybrid


The aim and tasks of the study included studying inheritance of plant productivity traits in durum spring wheat F2 hybrids.

Material and Methods. The investigations were conducted in 2014 in the experimental field of the Laboratory of Spring Wheat Breeding of the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine. 10 durum spring wheat varieties and 7 constant hybrid lines of different genetic origin with different adaptive potential served as the test material. On their basis 14 F2hybrid combinations were obtained by intraspecific hybridization. Coefficients of heritability of traits in the broad sense were determined by variances of parents and hybrids, in the narrow sense - through correlation coefficients between parents and progenies. Degree and frequency of positive transgression were calculated by Voskresenskaya and Shpota.

Results and Discussion. Probable transgressive forms of intraspecific hybrids of durum spring wheat, which can be further used as source material for selection of real transgressive forms in later generations, were identified in F2. Higher values of the heritability coefficient were detected for the traits of "spikelet number per ear", "grain weight per ear" "ear length", in particular in the following combinations: Kharkivs`ka 27 x Neodur, Leucurum 02-03 x Leuсurum 99-06, Izol`da x Leucurum 99-06, Leucurum 06-07 x Kharkivs`ka 29, Chado x Leucurum 02-03, that attests to efficiency of selection by these parameters.

Conclusions. Inheritance of productivity traits in intraspecific F2 hybrids was the following: the spikelet number per ear (H2 = 0.19-0.77), grain weight per ear (H2 = 0.17-0.77), ear length (H2 = 0.17-0.76), grain number per ear (H2 = 0.22-0.51). Thus, analysis of heredity in F2 hybrids indicates that genetic determination of productivity traits is complex and depends on interactions between many hereditary factors of both parental components and growing conditions.


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