Coefficients of correlation and determination of soft winter wheat varieties traits
winter soft wheat, variety, quantitative trait, paired and multiple correlation and determination coefficientAbstract
In the laboratory of winter wheat breeding and physiology of Plant Production Institute nd. a.
V. Ya Yurіev of NAAS of Ukraine in 2012-2014 the relationship between the values of quantitative traits of plants soft winter wheat have been studied.
The aim and tasks of the study. Determine the coefficients for simple and multiple correlation and determination between quantitative traits of soft winter wheat.
Materials and methods. 14 varieties of soft winter wheat with 10 scientific institutions of 6 countries were studied. The investigations in drought conditions in 2012 and more favorable in 2013 and 2014 were carry out. 8 quantitative traits of plants varieties were measured. The correlations coefficients between the two (paired) and one and two other (multiple) features plants were determined.
Results and discussion. The highest multiple correlation and determination coefficients for the average for 2012-2014 between the productivity of plants and the combined influence of signs productive tillering and grain weight spike were defined. A high multiple link between the productivity of plants and the combined influence of two other signs: on the one hand, productive tillering, and, on the other hand, the weight of 1000 grains, number of grain in spike were defined.
High multiple correlation and determination coefficients were between features of grain with the ear mass and the combined influence of signs of grain with and 1000 grain weight,
Conclusions. Set different levels of relationship between one of the signs and the combined influence of two other signs of soft winter wheat varieties by multiple coefficient of correlation and determination, which is important for their selection for combining selection.
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