Genetic variability of quantitative traits varieties Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees
Callistephus сhinense, research, traits, decorativeness, variability, inheritance, genetic dependenceAbstract
The aim and tasks of the study. The research is to determine genetic inheritance magnitude compared to phenotypic variability, which will accelerate the development of new varieties of Callistephus сhinense with desirable parameters of decorativeness and other important traits.
Material and methods. Research conducted in 2012-2014 years the plots of the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS. Research objects were varieties of different types: Chocolate (variety Art), Yantarna (Ballon variety) and Amethyst (Waldersee variety).
Results and Discussion. Criteria of variability, inheritance and genetic dependence of decorativeness and plant productivity traits of Callistephus сhinense were evaluated to be used in further breeding. Traits of this plant were studied and morphologically described; correlations between plant height, branch number per stem, leaf and flower numbers per plant, habitus width, inflorescence diameter, petal and flower numbers per inflorescence, duration of interphase periods of growth and development of plants were established. Coefficient values of phenotypic variability and inheritance of quantitative traits of Callistephus сhinense were statistically evaluated.
Conclusions. The study results show significant variability of quantitative traits in Callistephus сhinense varieties. Thus, the plant height variation coefficient averaged 4.78% over the research years, for the trait of branch number per plant it was 2.91%. The magnitude of genetic inheritance was generally high for all the traits, except for the duration of the flowering phase (28.30) and the duration of one inflorescence flowering (76.24). The coefficient of phenotypic variation was higher than the coefficient of genotypic variability for all the signs, suggesting greater influence of genotype compared to the environment influence in plants. A high coefficient of genotypic variability in combination with a wide range of modification variability within a genotype indicates influence of cultivation conditions on such traits as plant height, branch number per plant, petal and flower numbers per inflorescence.
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