Efficiency of application of growth regulators and microfertilizer in the process of seed multiplication of varieties of winter wheat and spring barley


  • І. Ю. Буряк Plant Production Institute named after V. Ya. Yuriev NAAS, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • В. О. Чернобаб Plant Production Institute named after V. Ya. Yuriev NAAS, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Є. Ю. Огурцов Plant Production Institute named after V. Ya. Yuriev NAAS, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • І. І. Клименко Plant Production Institute named after V. Ya. Yuriev NAAS, Ukraine, Ukraine




winter wheat, spring barley, seeds, growth regulator, microfertilizer, pre-sowing, spraying, productivity, economic efficiency


The aim and tasks of the study. The aim of this work was to study the impact of modern plant growth regulators and micronutrients on seed productivity, economic efficiency, get more number of seeds, mainly it was accelerated seed multiplication of new varieties of winter wheat and spring barley it is in seed crops these cultures.

Material and methods. Research conducted in the fields of laboratory seedproduction and seedmaintenance Plant Production Institute named after V. Ya. Yuriev NAAS on the winter wheat varieties of Rozkishna and Doskonala and barley spring Wiklik and Parnas. Research methods field and laboratory.

The predecessor of winter wheat – black couples and spring barley – peas, sow winter wheat and barley started from the super elite and up to the first generation in the period 2011–2013, in optimal time, continuous ordinary way with a seeding rate of 4.5 million units per1 ha, drill SKS-10.

In addition to the plant growth regulators of the new generation of Radhostim, Regoplant, Stimpo, Deimos, Vimpel K and microfertilizers Quantum-grain, apply protectant Vitavaks 200 FF, herbicide Grodil Maxi and mineral fertilizer Nitroammophoska.

Results and discussion. The best preparation for presowing treatment of seeds and dual-use on winter wheat varieties Rozkishna is Stimpo (increase of 0.29 t/ha or 5 %). When growing varieties Doskonala the best drugs for the treatment of seeds were Regoplant and Vimpel K (increase 0.22–0.23 t/ha or 4 %), and for dual-use Deimos and Vimpel K in combination with microfertilizers Quantum-grain (increase of 0.28 t/ha or 5 %).

The best method of application of plant growth regulators and microfertilizers when growing seeds of spring barley varieties Wiklik is spraying the plants with tank mixtures of drugs Regoplant and Quantum-grain in the tillering stage and drugs Regoplant or Quantum-grain phase flag leaf (an increase of 0.23–0.31 in t/ha or 6–10 %), and varieties Parnas spraying plants, tank mixtures of drugs Radostim and Quantum-grain in the tillering stage and drugs Radostim or Quantum-grain phase flag leaf (increase to 0.22–0.28 t/ha or 6–8 %).

Application of plant growth regulators and microfertilizer contributed to the obtaining of additional profit on winter wheat: a super-elite on 575–2450 uah/ha, elite 209–422 uah/ha, the first generation to 294–551 uah/ha, spring barley: super elite on 1610–3100 uah/ha, elite 522–1155 uah/ha, the first generation to 133–512 uah/ha. And also helped to get more number of seeds of the first generation of winter wheat in the range 586–873 t and spring barley 83–179 t.

Conclusions: Annual application of modern plant growth regulators, microfertilizer and pesticides in the process of breeding new varieties, allows to increase the production of seeds in each stage of seed with improved high-yielding properties, which is an effective measure to accelerate their introduction into production. The effectiveness of the developed methods for increasing seed yield of winter wheat and barley depends on the drug and how it is used.


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