Influence of desiccation on sowing qualities of chickpea seeds and yield capacity


  • В. О. Бушулян Plant Breeding end Genetics Institute–National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigation, Ukraine, Ukraine



chickpea, desiccation, harvesting, yield capacity, energy, seed germination


The aim and tasks of the study. The aim of our work was to estimate possibilities of using desiccants on seed production chickpea crops, their impact on yield capacity, sowing and qualitative parameters of seeds.

Material and methods. The investigations were carried out in 2012-2014 in the fields of Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute. Farming techniques were usual for the region. Weediness during the harvest period was medium. To desiccate, agents with different active substances were used: Roundup Extra -540 g / L and Reglon Super 150 SL -150 g / L. The experiments were carried out in two the most common chickpea varieties of Pamyat and Triumf.

Results and discussion. Treatment of Pamyat variety with both agents, when 50% of beans were ripe, led to lower chickpea yields due to early termination of growth processes and underdeveloped seeds. The same trend was observed, when treatment was performed in the “75% of beans are ripe” phase. It should be noted that the average yield capacity of chickpea upon treatment during this phase significantly exceeded the control, which amounted to 107-126%. The seed yield upon Reglon treatment was lower due to rapid drying of plants.

Theatment of Pamyat variety, when 100% of beans were ripe, led to overdrying of seeds due to overmatured stand.

Super Reglon with the active ingredient of diquat acts quickly, but only on treated leaf surface. The agent Roundup Extra with a glyphosate-derived active substance acts systemically, resulting in the total loss of treated plants.

Conclusions. Thus, to obtain more filled seeds, it is expedient to use Roundup for desiccation of seed production chickpea crops. Predrying of crops with desiccants in the “75% of beans are ripe” phase enhances the germination energy and laboratory germination capacity of seeds. The best results were achieved, when we applied Roundup at the doses of 2.0 and3.0 L / ha and Reglon at the doses of 2.0 and 2.5 L / ha. Further increase in dosage of the agents leads to deterioration in sowing qualities.


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