New gynoecious lines of cucumber of gherkins type for using in heterosis breeding


  • В. О. Сергієнко Institute of Vegetables and Melon Growing NAAS, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • О. Л. Радченко Institute of Vegetables and Melon Growing NAAS, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Д. Л. Солодовник Institute of Vegetables and Melon Growing NAAS, Ukraine, Ukraine



cucumber, gynoecious line, gherkin, earliness, productivity, marketability


The selection process, which is characterized by continuity, aims to create not only new varieties and hybrids, but also the source of the linear material with a set of necessary features for a particular direction of selection.

The aim and tasks of the study to evaluate cucumber source material and to create of gynoecious parental lines of cucumber gherkins type.

Material and methods. Researches were conducted during 2012-2014 pp. at theInstitute ofVegetables and Melon Growing NAAS in the open and protected ground. Breeding work was conducted by using method of synthetic selection with intervarietal hybridization and subsequent individual selection at all stages of the selection process according to the Guidelines for the cucumber heterosis hybrids selection and research program approved by the Methodological Commission of Institute of Vegetables and Melon Growing NAAS.

Results and discussion. As a result, new gynoecious lines of cucumber of gherkins type are created. They correspond to the specified model: high-yielding, early maturing, the marketability is 80-90%, with plants mostly of female blooming type, with the location of female flowers as a bouquet, the length of the fetus  are 6-8; 8-10 cm, new lines are resistant to root rot and largely resistant to peronosporosis. The study of selection pollinated by bees and parthenocarpic linear material of gherkins type cucumber is conducted. From a number of genotypes, biologically and economically valuable pollinated by bees and parthenocarpic cucumber lines are isolated to create heterosis hybrids. Their quantitative and qualitative characteristics are identified. So, analyzing the number of investigated pollinated by bees lines for open ground for complex indicators, lines F8I4 (Masha / Game), F8I4 Potomac, F5I1 (Sultan / F3I3 Д96а№2-95а), which belong to the group of maturing lines, were singled out. Lines mostly of female flowering types, have two or three female flowers in the node. The vegetation period is 27-29 days. The total yield is 23,2-32,4 t / ha, which is 4,5-45,9% higher than standard. For protected ground desirable mix of useful economic features mentioned in these parthenocarpic inbred lines: F8I6 №11, F6I4 Golubchik and F5I4 Kuznechik. These lines were noted by early-maturing and richness of plant by female flowers (80-100 %), which is not only increases earliness, but also and the overall productivity of the plant. Yield of lines is totaled 17,0-19,2 kg / m2 which is 1-15 % higher than the standard. Marketability of fruits was 91-97 %. The lines also differ by bouquet type of fruiting (5-7 per node).

Conclusions. Newly created lines are sources of complex valuable economic features that will be used for further breeding work to create a highly productive competitive pollinated by bees and parthenocarpic hybrids of gherkin type cucumber, suitable for cultivation in the open and protected ground.


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