Screening of the soybean collection of the national center for plant genetic resources of ukraine for protein and fat contents in seeds




soybean accession, protein and fat contents in seeds, source


The article presents results of screening of soybean collection accessions of the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine for protein and fat contents in seeds.

The aim and tasks of the study. Investigation of polymorphism of soybean collection accessions by protein and fat contents in seeds. Identification of valuable sources for breeding programs aimed at improving biochemical composition of seeds of soybean  varieties.

Material and methods. The study material was 524 soybean collection accessions. The study was carried out in three-year cycles. The accessions were grown in the field in the collection nursery. Seeds were analyzed for protein and fat contents by conventional techniques.

Results and discussion. On the basis of protein and fat contents in seeds of collection accessions, a significant polymorphisms was established. Depending on genotype and geographical origin of accessions, a wide range of variability was observed: for protein content in seeds - from 25.54% to 43.55% and for fat content - from 16.39% to 26.90%. We did not find a close correlation between fat and protein contents in seeds and ripeness group. Within each ripeness group, there are accessions both with low and high contents of these compounds.

Conclusions. The wide variation in protein and fat contents in soybean seeds of the collection accessions of the National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine opens great possibilities to use these accessions as starting material for creation of new varieties for different purposes. Valuable sources with high fat and protein contents in seeds and stable expression of these traits, which will contribute to raising the breeding efficiency in this direction.


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