Specifics of sex characters inheritance in variety×line, line×variety and interline hybrids of monoecious hemp
hemp, monoecious, self-pollinated lines, hybrid, sex, sex types, inheritanceAbstract
Recently, the requirements for hybrid hemp materials used in the early stages of breeding have been toughened since the plant, other than high productivity must contain not more than 0.08% of psychotropic substance (tetrahydrocannabinol), and exclude male hemp individuals in the sex structure, which are the destabilizer of monoecious sign. In this connection, it is not possible to involve dioecious forms to the process of hybridization as well as old breeding varieties and local entries, which results in limiting the starting breeding material of hemp. An effective method to create starting material of non-narcotic hemp is hybridization of monoecious feminized pistillate hemp of self-pollinated lines of central-Russian and southern eco-geographical types followed by selection.
The aim and tasks of the study. The research goal and tasks were (i) to establish specifics of sex characters inheritance in variety×line, line×variety and interline first generation hybrids of the monoecious hemp, (ii) to investigate the role of individual selection in the second and third generation, and (iii) to identify promising starting material.
Material and methods. The sex type of hemp plants has been determined according to classification and methods of N.D. Migal. We have studied twelve F1, F2, and F3 crossings options.
Results and discussion. In the hybrids under study, sex characters shifted towards the female. The breeding value of different hybrids types according to sex types ratio increases in the following order: variety×line, line×variety and interline hybrids. The hybrids created by crossing central-Russian and southern eco-geographical types possess the best sex structure. The number of monoecious feminized pistillate plants in individual selection process increased in interlines hybrids F2 and F3 as compared to F1.
Conclusions. In this study, the possibility of creating variety×line, line×variety and interline hybrids stable on their monoecious sign for the purpose of expanding the genetic basis of the starting breeding material has been proved.
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Patent № 47810 UA, MPK A01N 1/00. The method of creating hybrid breeding material monoecious hemp. Layko ІM, Kirichenko GІ, Mіshchenko SV et al; patent owner by Institute of Bast Crops of UAAN. – № u 2009 08847; decl. 25.08.09; publ. 25.02.10. Bull. № 4.
Copyright (c) 2015 С. В. Міщенко

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