Вплив гаметоцидів на формування чоловічої стерильності та розвиток рослин тритикале ярого
Тритикале яре, гаметоцид, чоловіча стерильність, етрел, ДБФ, 1, 3-дибромпропанAbstract
The male sterility induced by the chemical hybridizing agents ethrel, 1,3-dibromopropane and dibutyl phthalate on spring triticale varieties was studied. Significant differentiation of genotipic response to a period of treat- ment, depending on chemical hybridizing agent was established. The highest level of male sterility was achieved when chemical hybridizing agents when applied during the 4th stage of organogenesis. Dibutyl phthalate reduces plant height by 4,6 %, without affecting the number and weight of grains per ear. 1,3-dibromopropane does not have significant impact on the plant elements, but exhibits a lower sterilizing effect. Application of ethrel have most nega- tive affect to plant height, number and weight of grain per earDownloads
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