Testing line different biotips sugar corn on manifestation сorrelation relationships sign to productivity and quality grain


  • О. Є. Клімова State Institution "Institute of Agriculture of the Steepe Zone of NAAS Ukraine", Ukraine




sugar corn, biotype, lines, productivity, quality grain, correlation relationship


Organized analyses correlation and regression relations productivity plants and quality grain with morpho-biological sign beside high sugary line different biotypes of sugar corn.

The aim and tasks of the study. The Separation high affectivity relationships quantitative sign to productivity and quality grain beside line-proudest high sugary different types to sugary.

Materials and methods. The Determination correlation and regression dependencies is organized on result of the group analysis individual sign to productivity and sugary grain of the linear material, growing in contrasting condition 2012-2013 for generally accepted methods.

Results and discussion. The allocated high affectivity relationship to productivity of the plants with mass of the cob and mass grain with cob beside all biotypes line as well as with amount cob on plant beside su1 and su1se1 types. Beside sh2 forms to him joined the amount grain abreast. On the other sign noted average and low unessential relationship. High active relations of the contents of the sucrose were correlation beside su1 line and the general sugary in grain with amount cob on plant, mass 1000 grain, beside sh2 - with mass grain with cob, diameter of the cob and sign vegetation period, but beside su1se1 - with mass grain with cob, amount grain abreast, diameter of the cob, amount of the rows grain and amount grain with cob. The Rest signs practically had weakened relationship with contents sugar.

Сonclusions. Use constantly active high correlation relationships to productivity and quality grain in join with beside weakly correlation grain economic-valuable sign enlarges efficiency of the associative selection high productivity line with high contents sugar. According to result regression analysis, such signs as "amount cob on plant", "long and diameter of the cob" and "long grain" with high power can influence upon possibility of the improvement linear material at increasing their parameter.



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