Injuries of hybrid corn seeds and methods of determination




corn, seeds, characteristics of injuries, methods of determination of the quality, ways restricting injuries


Among cereals, corn seeds are the most injured during harvest and post-harvest processing, which significantly affects the quality of seeds and productivity of hybrids.

The aim and tasks of the study. To analyze existing methods for determination of injuries in seeds; to establish which of them are the most effective for corn hybrids. To systematize and develop a classification of injuries, depending on sowing and productive parameters of corn hybrids.

Materials and methods. We studied corn hybrids bred in the Institute of Grain Farming – Dnipro 181 CB, Orzhica 237 MB, Solonyansky 298 CB, Zbruch, Rozovskii 311 CB, Monica 350 MB. We determined the nature and extent of injuries as well as the yield quality by the standard methods and guidelines for conducting experiments with corn.

Results and discussion. The methods were direct viewing of seeds, staining with different chemicals, and evaluating the seed germinability. Depending on the nature of injuries and their impact, the following types of injuries were identified: macro-injuries of corcles and endosperm; micro-injuries of corcles and endosperm; disrupture of the root cap. Macro-injuries of corcles and endosperm are the dangerous; the percentage of seeds with such damage should not exceed 15%, depending on the hybrid.

Conclusions. Microscopic viewing of corn seeds is recommended as a direct method for determination of injuries followed by the systematization of injuries, depending on sowing and productive parameters of hybrids. There are technical and technological ways preventing and limiting injuries to corn hybrid seeds during harvest and post-harvest processing.


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