Ecological adaptability of new spring barley varieties to stress factors
spring barley, breeding, productivity, adaptability, graphical analysis algorithmAbstract
The aim and tasks of the study. The research on specific principles of plant breeding at the operating conditions of selection of promising breeding lines and creation of new spring barley varieties adapted to insufficient moistening with a potential yield capacity of 6.5–7.0 t/ha determine the study relevance. The research purpose – to increase the efficiency of breeding work with spring barley upon the creation and evaluation of starting breeding material; to create of ecoplastic semi-intensive spring barley varieties.
Materials and methods. The research was carried out by the classical breeding scheme for cereals and the general procedure of field experimentation. The main breeding method – individual-family selection.
The study indicates a possibility of improving modern varieties in terms of the model developed for insufficient moistening. The results of environmental trials of barley varieties with a potential yield capacity of 5.0–6.5 t / ha, which are recommended for cultivation in the steppe zone, for the period of 2012–2014 were taken as original data.
Results and discussion. Analysis of the experimental data showed that productivity and yield capacity parameters in spring barley breeding under insufficient moistening were increased due to large grain, the grain number per spike, spike length and drought resistance.
Parameters of a promising variety were developed on the basis of the biological potential of the crop productivity components factored in their reduction and compensation for the multiyear averages as well as in breeding for a particular feature in new spring barley varieties, with a focus on improving their adaptability to stress factors.
A graphical analysis algorithm of agent action in the aspect of enhancing the ecological plasticity of varieties upon cultivation under given agro-climatic conditions was developed. Analysis of chart configuration and ratios of ABC and AVD triangle areas as well as their heights (OS and OD) for two varieties makes it possible to characterize variety ‘Donetskyy14’as more plastic compared variety ‘Stalker’ under dry conditions of the Eastern part of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine.
Conclusions. This graphical method of analysis simplifies prediction and selection of additional technological measures and ingredients of reagent mixtures to affect individual parameters of plant productivity.
The breeding system of evaluation and selection of ecologically plastic varieties for insufficient moistening in the Northeastern Steppe of Ukraine, which we developed, was implemented to create new spring barley varieties ‘Skhidnyy’, ‘Stepovyk’, ‘Avers’, ‘Shchedryk’, ‘Stalyy’, ‘Reserv’, ‘Repriz’, ‘Bravyy’
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Copyright (c) 2016 О. О. Вінюков, О. Б. Бондарева, О. М. Коробова

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