Selection of wheat-rye chromosome substituted triticale forms by presennce of spelt morphological traits




wheat-rye chromosome substitution, triticale, spelt, hybridization, morphological traits


The aim and tasks of the study. The research purpose was to estimate a possibility of selecting wheat-rye chromosome substituted triticale forms by presence of certain spelt morphological traits.

Proceeding from the purpose, the following objectives were set: to investigate phenotypic expression of spelt morphological traits in forms obtained by crossing triticale and spelt; to select wheat-rye chromosome substituted triticale forms by presence of some morphological traits of spelt.

Materials and methods. Wheat-rye chromosome substituted triticale forms were created and selected in the experimental filed of Uman National University of Horticulture in 2012-2016. Winter triticale varieties ‘Rozovska 6’, ‘Rozovska 7’, ‘Yunha’, and ‘Ladne’ as well as spelt (Triticum spelta L.) variety ‘Zaria Ukrainy’ were taken as materials for creating wheat-rye chromosome substituted forms.

Results and discussion. Hybridization between triticale and spelt resulted in progeny, in which wheat-rye chromosome substitutions were expected. For further studies, 10 accessions with spelt morphological traits (rough chaff, loose spike, erect bush, no wax bloom on plants, awnlessness, and tall stem) were selected. Chromosome substitution was monitored in all selected accessions. It was detected in accession 116/14. Gel electrophoresis of storage proteins from 116/14 grain confirmed wheat-rye chromosome substitution.

Conclusions. We demonstrated a possibility of selection of wheat-rye chromosome substituted triticale forms provided there are spelt traits. However, it is necessary to monitor selected forms for chromosome substitution.

Breeding accession 116/14 carrying a wheat-rye chromosome substitution was selected


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