Adaptive capacity of different varieties of pea morfotipu in conditions of the South of Ukraine




peas, variety, yield, the availability of moisture, ecological plasticity of, effectofgenotype


The aim and tasks of the study.Identify varieties with a high level of homeostasis that b demonstrated high productivity in both favorable and in dry years, in conditions of the South of Ukraine.

Material and methods.The results of the 11-year study of the genotypic effect and ecological plasticity of modern varieties of pea yields different morfotips in environmental management.

Results and discussion.Among the factors of phenotypic variability in signs of resistance to abiotic influences a significant role belongs to the growing conditions the plants. Therefore, to characterize the regional climatic conditions during vegetation period 2006-2016 years used hydrothermal factor (GTF).

Genotypic evaluation capacity of samples of peas and their reaction to the changing weather patterns have conducted method of determining ecological plasticity of investigated cultivars in terms of yields. To assess the reaction of sorts to modify environmental factors weather conditions we used regression model where the regression coefficient is an indicator or measure of interaction genotype midst.

To assess the reaction of sorts to modify environmental factors weather conditions we used regression model where the regression coefficient is an indicator or measure of interaction genotype–midst.

Conclusions. Over years of research a number of varieties of mustachioed morphotype are presented demonstrating the good yields, both favorable and in years with deficit moisture.

All the studied varieties have a linear response to fluctuations in environmental conditions. Their productivity increases or decreases proportionately to the change in weather conditions for the growth and development of plants, but there are differences in the severity of the reaction of sorts.

It was found that varieties of pea’s heterophyllous groups increasingly depend on the availability of moisture. In the condition of the South of Ukraine they showed low genotypic effect. However, it was allocated a number of varieties with medium and low plasticity, which formed the average yield over the period of studies at a level gradesof mustachioed and leaf of morfotips


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