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Archive of Published Issues: 2024
Front Matter
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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:
Journal URL | https://journals.uran.ua/pbsd |
Title | Plant Breeding and Seed Production |
Publisher | The Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev |
ISSN | 2413-7510 |
Language(s) | English (en_US) Русский (ru_RU) Українська (uk_UA) |
Publisher Email | nvasko1964@gmail.com |
Copyright | When placing the text in electronic resources, the copyright is reserved by the author of a publication. Authors may not agree with referee’s(s’) comments and remarks of the Editorial Board, rationalizing their point of view. Authors may require clarification from or the Editorial Board or changes in the event of significant errors in their article. Authors can use materials published in the journal Selection and Seed Industry in their work, mandatorily referring to our journal. |
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