Plagiarism and duplicate publication

Authors of manuscripts should adhere to the principles of academic integrity to ensure confidence in scientific results. The following are considered as academic integrity violations:

– Academic plagiarism - publication (partly or fully) of scientific results obtained in others’ research or reproduction of other authors’ published texts without indication of authorship, namely: copying someone else's scientific publication(s) and publishing results under your own name(s); mixing your own and someone else's text without proper citation of sources; rewriting (paraphrasing) someone else's work without mentioning the original author(s);

– Compilation – building up a large text by copying from various sources without making changes or references to authors and "masking" by writing transitional sentences between the copied parts of the text;

– Paraphrase – retelling other people's thought(s), idea(s) or text(s) in your own words. The essence of paraphrase is replacement of words and phraseological locutions taken from any work of authorship;

– Piracy in the field of copyright and related rights;

– Attributing results of collective activities to one or several individuals without other author's(s’) consent or adding persons who did not participate in the work to the list of authors of works;

– Self-plagiarism - publication (partly or fully) of your own previously published scientific results as new scientific results.

Manuscripts submitted for publication in Plant Breeding and Seed Production are tested via ANTIPLAGIAT ( and by the editorial staff. The manuscript can be accepted for publication provided that it is at least 80% unique. Manuscripts are also tested for plagiarism at the stage of double-blind reviewing as one of the criteria for evaluating the manuscript by reviewers.

Detection of plagiarism in manuscripts submitted for publication in Plant Breeding and Seed Production is a reason for refusal to publish. If plagiarism is detected after an article has been published, this article is not removed from the journal’s archives and marked as PLAGIARISM in accordance with the international protocols of anti-plagiarism policy. Such articles marked PLAGIARISM are displayed in all resources where the journal is indexed or stored. If the author(s) commits similar violations repeatedly, the Editorial Board blacklists him/her/them for at least two years. In this case, the author(s) will be denied publication in any journal.


When submitting a manuscript to Plant Breeding and Seed Production, the authors must make sure that the manuscript is original and has never been submitted to another edition. Duplicate occurs when two or more non-cross-referenced articles are based on the same hypotheses, experimental data, or conclusions. This can be literal duplication, partial or self-plagiarism.

Deliberate or repeated submission of a manuscript to duplicate the article in different editions violates the academic integrity and publishing ethics. In this case, the editorial staff requires explanations from the author(s). At a meeting, the Editorial Board decides on further publications of this(these) author(s) in Plant Breeding and Seed Production and notifies the editorial boards of other editions of the author’s(s’) action. As a result, the author(s) may be blacklisted. In other cases, the Editorial Board relies on examples from SORE cases ( ...).