Rules for reject published articles

Withdrawal (retraction) of an article from publication is a mechanism for correcting published information and notifying readers that the publication contains shortcomings or errors. The Editorial Board withdraws articles at the author(s) request or at its own discretion.

Inaccurate data may result from an unintentional error or from a deliberate violation. The following situations can be a reason for withdrawing an article:

– Detection of incorrect assimilations (plagiarism) in the publication;

– Duplication of the article in several editions;

– Detection of falsifications or fabrications (for example, falsification of experimental data);

– Detection of serious errors in the work (for example, misinterpretation of results), which calls into question its scientific value;

– Incorrect list of the authors (the one(s) who should be the author(s) is(are) absent or person(s) who does(do) not meet the criteria of authorship are included);

– Hidden conflict of interest (or other violations of the publishing ethics);

– Re-publication of the article without the author(s) consent;

– The article was not reviewed.

If the author(s) deems it necessary to withdraw the article, he/she/they applies(y) files a rationalized request with the Editorial Board. If the Editorial Board agrees to withdraw the article, it retracts the text on its own.

If the Editorial Board decides to withdraw an article on the basis of its expert evaluation or information received by the editorial office, it is necessary to inform the author(s) about this decision. The lead author (correspondent author) must be informed of the reason for the withdrawal.

After the decision to withdraw an article is made, the article remains on the journal’s website in the corresponding issue, but the electronic version of the text is marked RETRACTED with the retraction date. The same note is placed in the contents of the issue.